LaRoc Environmental provides solid, long-term, sustainable, environmental solutions to clients through personalized, high quality technical services and timely delivery of products that enhance environmental stewardship and compliance.
News from the Water Board
April 1, 2014. The SWRCB adopted the Industrial General Permit (IGP). This permit applies to certain categories of industrial facilities that discharge stormwater to the municipal storm drain system. The new requirements became effective July 1, 2015. Industrial dischargers are encouraged to contact us for support and assistance complying with the new requirements. Visit the SWRCB website - click on the button to the right
The implementation of the Municipal Permit is underway in San Diego County. The Copermittees have developed the required Jurisdictional Runoff Management Plans (JRMPs) for their individual programs and Water Quality Improvement Plans (WQIPs) for each of the watersheds in the county from San Luis Rey in north county to the Tijuana River Valley at the border with Mexico. More information is available - click on the button to the right.
The SWRCB has adopted Phase II Small MS4 permit. The link below is provided to access the documents on the SWRCB website.
The State's Construction General Permit (CGP) and can be found by clicking on the link button below.
For the latest information on stormwater permitting at the SWRCB go directly to their website using the link below.
LaRoc Environmental has received Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certified by California's Department of General Services, and quailifies as a Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (UDBE) for many federally funded projects.
LaRoc Environmental at Conferences and Seminars
We are active in the environmental community and a member of several organizations and a frequent presenter at conferences and seminars.
We welcome invitations to participate in events in California and to present our projects and innovative program solutions.